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How EV&Solution monitors logistics data for electric truck fleets

Burning Bros supports EV&Solution in transitioning to electric vehicles, using data-driven insights to enhance efficiency and sustainability.

Transitioning from oil to electric vehicles marks a significant stride towards a sustainable future. Burning Bros takes pride in contributing to this transformation by supporting EV&Solution, a leading provider of EV vehicles, in enhancing their operations through data-driven insights. Our collaboration aims to enable them to operate more efficiently and sustainably, fostering a greener business landscape.

The client

EV&Solution is a government-sponsored startup in Korea, leading the shift from oil to electric energy.

The challenge

Our biggest challenge was sorting through all the available data and figuring out how to blend them into something useful for clients to make smart decisions and streamline their internal operations was a major challenge we faced.Besides, we dealt with a variety of data here. When it came to improving logistics, we talked delivery times, how many steps it took from parking to delivery, even the entry points. And then, for keeping those trucks running smoothly, we had info on vehicle status, cargo doors, battery health, temperature, humidity, and all the operational details.

System Configuration Diagram

The process

We collaborated closely with clients to identify essential metrics crucial for monitoring logistic performance. This involved pulling data from multiple sources such as vehicles, the Google Fitness app, and a specialized mobile app for drivers. To achieve this, we gathered data from various sources including vehicles, the Google Fitness app, and a dedicated mobile app for drivers. Then, we turned it into actionable insights through key metric identification, analysis, and presentation via two interfaces:

- A tablet dashboard designed for truck drivers to monitor their vehicles.

- A desktop web dashboard for administrators to optimize logistics efficiency.

Product design: from idea to launch

We actively engaged in the entire project lifecycle, commencing from initial research and wireframing, through UI design, all the way to development and launch. While we prioritized meeting deadlines, we also highly valued collaboration with clients, allowing ample space for refining and developing ideas throughout the process.

Visual style guide

We crafted a color scheme derived from the brand's identity, reflecting its commitment to sustainability. This scheme seamlessly supports both dark and light modes within the app, ensuring ease of use and accessibility. For multilingual support in English and Korean, Noto Sans emerged as the optimal font choice.

The outcome

We've accomplished building a versatile platform capable of collecting, storing, and presenting data across multiple interfaces: tablets tailored for drivers and a user-friendly web dashboard for administrators.

Tablet application

The tablet app is tailored for drivers, highly responsive to allow simultaneous usage of other apps. It offers both light and dark modes for improved visibility while driving.

Highly responsive app allows drivers to seamlessly multitask with other applications

Light & Dark theme

User-friendly website application

The web dashboard boasts branding identity colors and a seamless UX flow, making it effortless for users to navigate various metrics. It provides administrators with both a quick overview and detailed insights for comprehensive analysis. It also allow administrators to easily manually match data from different devices on the platform.

*Note: The information displayed on this interface is simulated, as the client does not permit the disclosure of real data.